Monday 22 November 2010

Giveaway Winner

I’m very tired, so this will be a short post. (Some of you might be interested to know that my constant tiredness have been found to be the result of a pretty bad imbalance in my vitamins, which I take supplements for now. Hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon.) It’s also a little bit late (going by Swedish time here), the batteries in my camera died.

Thank you all who commented on my last post and wrote something about yourselves! It was very interesting for me to learn a little about who reads my blog – the internet is usually very anonymous, and you have no idea about who reads, and what they find interesting. Please keep telling me, I really appreciate it!

Now for the giveaway winner: the slip of paper that came up had Kajsa’s name on it. Congratulations :) If you’d be so kind and post a comment with your name and address (which of course I won’t publish), I’ll send it on to you. I hope you’ll like it.

This was fun, I think I’ll host more giveaways in future.


  1. OH NO!! I missed entering the giveaway! :*( Congratulations to the winner!

    I'm glad you are on vitamin supplements now - hopefully very soon you won't be so tired. I was exhausted this summer/fall and also found it to be an imbalance of vitamins. I take daily supplements now and am feeling much better. Life is such a drag when one is tired all the time!

  2. Kajsa, jag har packat din nåldyna - ska bara komma iväg till en brevlåda också :P


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