I have a loving family, that’s always been there for me. We’ve shared a lot together; joy, grief, loss, laughter, poverty, relative plenty, work, play, learning opportunities, etc. What would I be without them, my Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters?? I also have a lot of good friends and relatives that’s been there for me when I’ve needed them, including my future in-laws. Love you all!
I have been blessed with tolerably good health. I’ve had my trips to doctors and hospitals, I’ve had horrible accidents and suffer pains from time to time, but all things considered, I’ve been healthy. I’m also blessed with living in a country with good medical possibilities and a good social security system.
I live in a country where I’m free to express my opinions freely (even the ones that may not be political correct or popular at the moment), and where I have religious freedom. That is a lot to be grateful for, right there. I hope I extend the same courtesy to others.
I have a good education, that make me pretty sure of being able to always have a job I like when I need one. I might not like studying, but I appreciate the opportunities it gives me.
I’ve been blessed with talents that keep me amused forever, and can be used to help others from time to time.
The country I live in is beautiful! I love every season – the cold, snowy winter we have now (unusually cold and snowy, I must say), the slow, creeping spring with timid flowers, which suddenly bursts into summer, so lush and bountiful it’s almost unbelievable, which in turn develops into crisp days of reds and yellows. There are many beautiful places on this earth, but to me, Sweden is the most beautiful of all. I may be just a little bit biased, of course ;)

Today we got our engagement rings
And last, but certainly not least on my mind, I have a fiancé that I love, and that, incredibly, loves me too, not despite my oddities and nerdiness, but because of them. A man who has all the must-have qualities I’ve looked for; he loves and obeys the Lord, served a mission, works hard, have a sound opinion on economy and family, and a good sense of humour. And as if that was not enough, he also possesses something that I’ve always thought would be impossible for me to find in my future husband (icing on the cake if you will); a peculiarity very similar to my own. I feel so blessed to have him in my life; it brings tears to my eyes just to think of it.
Am I not a very lucky woman?
Jag måste bara gratulera er båda ännu en gång. Blev så glad när jag fick höra det :) Visst är det underbart att vara nyförlovad? :)
ReplyDeleteDu vet vad jag har lovat dig, så det är bara att höra av dig när ni har satt datum. Ta hand om er bägge två
Kärste dotter, jag visste väl att det skulle finnas någon där ute som skulle älska dig just för att du är som du är. Jag är så glad att du kan vara dig själv med Mr T (det är, som du vet, vad han kommer att heta på min blogg).
ReplyDeleteKram, Mamma
Grattis, söta Sarah till din förlovning! Ni är sådant vackert par! Jag är såååå glad för er båda! du är en mycket lycklig kvinna :) KRAMAR!