Last Sunday in church we sang a beautiful, Swedish hymn, written by Carl David af Wirsén. It’s about the beauty and glory of summer, and the praise that nature give unto the Lord. It is also about how all things in this world will pass, but that we will come to a world that is eternal. It’s a beautiful hymn, and I tried to translate it, but it’s a poor translation - you will however get the meaning of the lyrics. I have illustrated it with pictures taken in my parents garden and close by their home.

En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt
Har smyckat dal och ängar.
Nu smeker vindens ljumma fläkt
De fagra örtesängar.
Och solens ljus
Och lundens sus
Och vågens sorl bland viden
Förkunna sommartiden.
(A rich attire of kindly green
Have adorned the valleys and meadows.
The mild breeze of the wind
Caresses the fair herb gardens.
And the light of the sun,
And the whisper of the grove,
And the murmur of the wave amongst the willow
Declare the summertime)
Have adorned the valleys and meadows.
The mild breeze of the wind
Caresses the fair herb gardens.
And the light of the sun,
And the whisper of the grove,
And the murmur of the wave amongst the willow
Declare the summertime)

Sin lycka och sin sommarro
De yra fåglar prisa:
Ur skogens snår, ur stilla bo
Framklingar deras visa.
En hymn går opp
Av fröjd och hopp
Från deras glada kväden,
Från blommorna och träden.
(Their happiness and the peace of summer
Is praised by the giddy birds.
From the thickets in the woods, and the serene nests
Their song resounds.
A hymn ascends
Of joy and hope
From their happy songs
From the flowers and the trees.)
(Their happiness and the peace of summer
Is praised by the giddy birds.
From the thickets in the woods, and the serene nests
Their song resounds.
A hymn ascends
Of joy and hope
From their happy songs
From the flowers and the trees.)

Men du, o Gud, som gör vår jord
Så skön i sommarns stunder,
Giv att jag aktar främst ditt ord
Och dina nådesunder.
Allt kött är hö,
Och blomstren dö,
Och blomstren dö,
Och tiden allt fördriver;
Blott Herrens ord förbliver.
(But thou, oh God, who makes our earth
So beautiful in the summertime
Grant that I first esteem thy word
And thy wonders of grace.
All meat is hay,
And the flowers die,
Ant time expels all things;
Only the words of the Lord remain.)
(But thou, oh God, who makes our earth
So beautiful in the summertime
Grant that I first esteem thy word
And thy wonders of grace.
All meat is hay,
And the flowers die,
Ant time expels all things;
Only the words of the Lord remain.)

Då må förblekna sommarns glans
Och vissna allt fåfängligt;
Min vän är min och jag är hans,
Vårt band är oförgängligt.
I paradis
Han, huld och vis,
Mig sist skall omplantera,
Där intet vissnar mera.
(Then let the glory of summer fade
And all the vain things wither;
My friend is mine and I am his,
Our bond is unperishable.
In paradise
He, kind and wise,
Will replant me at last
Where nothing ever wilts.)
(Then let the glory of summer fade
And all the vain things wither;
My friend is mine and I am his,
Our bond is unperishable.
In paradise
He, kind and wise,
Will replant me at last
Where nothing ever wilts.)
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