Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my dear readers! May you be safe and have a happy time with family and friends.

As you might know, in this part of the world we celebrate on Christmas Eve. As many times as B woke up last night you might think he knew it was today, but he's too little for that. We will have a nice, quiet Christmas, just the three of us. It's been snowing all night, so from what I can see through the morning darkness, the world looks crisp, clean and beautiful. Perfect, I'm pleased as a cat with a bowl of cream! In a few minutes I'll make saffron buns for breakfast, the dough has been slowly rising in the fridge since last night.

Oh, I love Christmas!


  1. Snow and a day starting with Lussekatter: this must be Christmas :)
    Wishing you and your family a joyful Merry Christmas - God Jul - Frohe Weihnachten!


  2. Merry Xmas too ^^ wish you a blissful christmas as ever

  3. Would you share the recipe? They sound wonderful!


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