Friday 6 November 2015

A Harry Potter Halloween II: My Costume – Sort Of

Despite having started working on the Halloween decorations several months before, I was still running out of time before the party started. Little One has really been hanging in my skirts for the past couple of weeks, and often been sitting in the wrap on my back, and it does slow you down, and prevent you doing some things, like climbing on chairs to put up decorations. When the first guests arrived I had only just changed, and not even put on any make-up yet. My hair was up in an unexciting bun on the back of my head. I didn’t get any pictures of myself either (maybe just as well), so the other day I dressed up as I would have wanted to look, and went out to take pictures. 

With hubby away for thesis work, and with the kids in tow, the self-timer had to do. I had to work quickly before the children got entirely fed up, especially Little One, who for most of the time was confined to his pram, so as not to get himself into trouble. We did go for a picnic in the play park when I was finished, so they were rewarded for their patience.

As I’d been putting so much focus on the decorations, I had to improvise my costume a bit – how disappointing is that for someone who loves costuming like I do?? Tut-tut... I wore my fuchsia dress combined with the Cinderella dress, new sleeves and all. I accessorised it with the witches’ bonnet I made last year, but have since given a minor makeover, and my wand. For the pictures I added a necklace I made years ago, and the old Jane Porter boots

The weather was misty, which created a nice backdrop for the pictures. I like mist, unless I have to travel by car. I suppose it might be an introvert thing, to appreciate being hidden from the gaze of the rest of the world... Which might seem ironic, as I post pictures here - but they have all been carefully chosen, and don't really reflect my private life :)


  1. Ohmy goodness, its perfect! You look as though you jumped from the pages of a Harry Potter book or was an extra on set. I love how the styles and colors work together. So perfect! (Been on a HP binge lately). Lovely setting, too.

  2. Thank you! I did rather enjoy wearing it. Well, I wear the dress quite often in my daily life, but crazy headwear is fun :D


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