For this coming Halloween party I wanted to add some
funny-shaped parcels to our decorations, you know, the kind that are wrapped in
brown paper with strings round them, with old fashioned and/or wizardy labels
attached, dropped off in a corner as if you hadn't had the time to put your shopping away before company arrived. Everything I used was craft materials or things to be recycled that I
already had at home.

I wanted the parcels to be really light, both
for storage purposes and the fact that it will make it lots easier to make
them “levitate” or so, should I want that sometime. I used a variety of re-purposed
cartons and empty cardboard tubes, and wherever needed I cut them to shape, added
bottoms or tops, and stuffed them with crumpled up newspaper so they wouldn’t collapse
under lighter pressure. For wrapping I picked brown paper in different shades and
textures, to make it more organic and realistic, and I avoided using ordinary
tape wherever it might show on the outside. I thought it more likely that grown
wizards would use magic to wrap parcels, and a light Sticking Charm to hold
them together. Sure there is supposed to be Spellotape available, but what adult and reasonably competent witch or wizard would bother with that when
there’s an alternative?
For two of the parcels I used a large Toblerone
carton cut in half as base. I closed the ends with taped on “lids” made from milk carton. One of the halves was stuffed full of newspaper so it looked quite fat, the
other one I folded and shaped to look decidedly more skinny, made “lids” to
emphasise the shape and only put a tiny bit of newspaper in the middle.
One of them got a label I also used for some
of the potion’s ingredients I made last year, based on a chain of apothecaries
mentioned in The Half Blood Prince. I also added a tag with a serial number and
wrote our last name on it, as if I had went in to order something, and came
back later to pick up my purchase, ready packed.
For the other I made a string from green and
purple linen thread, and glued on a label in the same colours. The label was
all purple to start with, with an embossed pattern. I just filled this in with
glittery green pen, and added a couple of letters. I then cut out a piece of green cardstock slightly larger than the purple in size so it made a narrow frame, and glued them together with the string in between.
For the bottle shaped parcel I used an assortment of
cardboard tubes that previously held plastic foil and other kitchen items (I always save cardboard tubes, and they always prove useful), an
empty cardboard baking powder jar, a short cardboard tube that used to hold
crochet thread and a piece of carton,
and made a crude bottle shape from them. It didn’t look too pretty as was, but that
didn’t bother me, as no one would see it when wrapped anyway.
Once that was done and a string tied round it,
the would-be bottle looked really realistic. I added a label from The Leaky Cauldron
– they have lovely non-alcoholic beverages there as well, at least that’s my
story and I’m sticking to it. I found the label on-line.

This one was just an empty toilet roll that I
cut open and rolled tighter to make it less obviously toilet roll-y. I wrapped
it in tea dyed printing paper - I have several tea dyed papers ready to be used for different projects. I found a picture of a weird looking chap in Ca
1830s clothes that I cut out of a magazine years ago when that was my main
source of images (meanwhile, I love the treasure trove that is found on the internet), and by cutting down his
top hat to be a pointy wizard’s hat, and adding gold accents to the hat and
coat, he looked…. Well, he looked a bit like a prat. A wizard prat, but a prat
nonetheless, so Prat & Co became the name of the shop. I giggled over that
a bit. I made a string for carrying out of some dark brown, really unevenly
spun linen thread I was given once.

Here I used a cut down milk carton for the base, and it was sturdy enough to
hold up without the help of crumbled up newspaper. I added a label I got of the
Internet, and a narrow satin ribbon (it matched the label nicely and I had just enough of it to work) for
carrying. In a family like ours, of course you’d have purchased something at a
I’m not quite sure what’s supposed to be in all
of the parcels, but they do look nice, I think. Put in a wobbly, lopsided pile
I think they’ll make a great decoration for our wizarding party. But I might
need some more parcels, bigger or square ones to form a more solid base for
that to work really well. These will look good as accents.
With different labels, parcels like these
might also make nice Christmas decorations. What do you think about them?